Thursday, February 20, 2020

Decreasing the Prevalence of Drunk Driving Essay

Decreasing the Prevalence of Drunk Driving - Essay Example The prevalence of drinking is seen to be highest in young adults due to the fact that they lack much experience on the road, and inappropriate consumption of alcohol impairs their driving skills. Therefore, the following program of reducing driving under the influence will be beneficial to the young age groups. This program will provide a check and balance that will help to reduce the amount of injuries or death on the road. This program has three subsections namely: the extended use of interlocks, increasing the use of sobriety check points and maintaining of a minimum drinking age of 21 years. The use of ignition interlocks was to prevent drivers who have their blood alcohol concentration was above a specified level from starting their cars. The interlocks consisted of an alcohol detector that was tamper proof and a system to reset the driver periodically to test for sobriety. This is a precaution that been in effect for quite some time. By 2011, 49 states had enacted a law that pe rmit the use of interlocks for some of the offender that were caught driving under the influence of alcohol (Breind 45). A study carried concluded that all those drivers convicted with drunk driving have drastically reduced after their vehicles were fitted with ignition interlocks. A lot of live have also been saved in the process. A survey has shown that this strategy is highly efficient in preventing the re arrest for drunk driving and has subsequently reduced incidents of accidents. Sobriety checkpoints are road blocks that the law enforcers have put to stop cars on a systematic basis in order to spot drivers who are driving under the influence

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

What is the association between nursing staffing levels and adult Article

What is the association between nursing staffing levels and adult patient falls in hospitals - Article Example At hospital level, number of registered nurses should be increased to monitor patients in the wards and provide the required services. From records, increased number of nurses decreases falls among adult patients (Griffiths et al., 2014). The nursing staffs should be given education so as to understand their roles and associated problems. On the other hand, nurses’ needs should be well catered to motivate them and have enabling environment to offer their services. It can be achieved by considered them as financial assets that have a critical role in the hospital. However, in various unit-levels, experienced nurses should be retained at whichever cost. Evidence has shown that inexperience and lack of the necessary skill have contributed significantly to the falls among adult patients (Griffiths, et al., 2014). During hiring, nurse skill mix should be considered. It involves taking care of skill level and experience in order to improve services. From the records, it is not clear about the component of a nurse that contributes most to the reduction of fall. It is, therefore, crucial to establish this through research and make recommendations. The future studies should as well focus on evaluating the role of non-registered nurse staffs to the increased falls in the hospitals. Their relationship should be validated through replication of studies. Griffiths, P., Ball, J., Drennan, J., Liz, J. & Michael, S. (2014). The association between patient safety outcomes and nurse / healthcare assistant skill mix and staffing levels & factors that may influence staffing requirements: National Nursing Research Unit. New York, 1,