Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Final Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Last - Case Study Example The three primary elements of this framework are firmly interrelated as observed from ongoing structures of business structures (David 12). The framework gives ventilation, keeps up pressure between consumed spaces and lessens air pervasion. The procedure through which air moves forward and backward the spaces is known as room air conveyance (David 14). It is very predominant that cutting edge building plans coordinate the establishment and control frameworks into warming, ventilating and cooling frameworks. In business structures, engineers investigate the plan of the structure, and they indicate warming, ventilation and cooling frameworks to be utilized in the premises. With respect to little structures, the framework can be bought and introduced. This is on the grounds that code-congruity assessments and building grants with respect to the framework establishment are required for all structure sizes. Accordingly, the warming, ventilation and cooling industry has become a worldwide undertaking (David 5). A portion of the fundamental jobs of the business incorporate framework development and structure, support, activity, production of the gear and deals. Additionally, the business is utilized as an examination and instructive focus. In this framework, warming is handily accomplished through warming types of gear or by means of radiation. Ventilation is likewise useful in this framework. This is on the grounds that ventilation continues satisfactory blend of breathable gases, consequently; annihilating scent and contaminants from the consumed space (David 20). This guarantees the inhabitants of the space are beneficial and solid. For this situation, ventilation can be accomplished through mechanical dispersion frameworks which are controlled by fans and regular ventilation. In conclusion, cooling is improved through warmth expulsion. This is typically accomplished through radiation and convection which is accomplished through the warmth siphon frameworks (David 29). As investigated over, the

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Caring for Dementia Patients Long Term Care free essay sample

Thinking about Dementia Patients Rodrick Williams English 122 Professor Susan Turner Colon Caring for Dementia Patient It can be exceptionally troublesome thinking about a patient with dementia. Most parental figures are unconscious of the issues, they should confront. A relative endeavoring to think about a friend or family member without preparing will in the long run go to a Nursing Home that has encountered staff under the watchful eye of dementia patients. Albeit numerous families feel a feeling of blame having another person care for a friend or family member, it is best for all concerned. Dementia patients can be a bunch for an accomplished parental figure just as those with no preparation. These are a portion of the inquiry that ought to be pose to when an adored is finding with dementia. For what reason is dementia so misjudged, what are the causes, what are the various phases of the dementia, what are the insights, and how is it conclusion? Dementia characterized as the loss of scholarly capacities, for example, thinking, recalling, and thinking of adequate seriousness to meddle with a people day by day working. We will compose a custom article test on Thinking about Dementia Patients Long Term Care or on the other hand any comparable point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Dementia isn't a malady itself, yet a gathering of indications. Numerous ementias are treatable and reversible. Alzheimers illness is the most widely recognized type of untreatable, irreversible dementia A German specialist named Alois Alzheimer first found Alzheimers Disease (AD) in 1906. It is a confusion of the cerebrum, making harm mind tissue over a period. The sickness can wait from two to a quarter century before death results (Florida Health Care Association 2005). A portion of the conditions that impersonate Alzheimers are reversible dementia, irreversible dementia, misery, and movement stress. Most basic responses are decrease in wellbeing, nability to think about oneself, bewilderment, and disarray. Treatable reasons for dementia are physician recommended sedate cooperations, liquor use, wretchedness, daze, lack of hydration, hunger, diseases, and vision and hearing issues (Bourgeois, Irvine 20000). Correspondence is basic when moving toward dementia patients. The patient loses the comprehension of the communicated in language and relies upon non-verbal communication for their wellspring of comprehension. It tends to be disappointing for a dementia understanding attempting to communicate oneself. The basic things are difficult to get over. To some this ehavior would be viewed as upsetting yet it is difficult for them to impart successfully. The best game-plan is remain quiet, consider if the patient is patients as awful conduct. A dementia conduct is considered as issue conduct which is made out of fomentation, hostility, and meandering. Disturbance is the main issue conduct, which might be beginning by torment, hunger, dread, fatigue incoherence, medicine reaction, or condition. Determination is the initial phase in treating disturbance (1997). An unmistakable conclusion of Alzheimers ailment is still just conceivable during post-mortem examination hen the trademark plaques and tangles can be recognized. Notwithstanding, with methods now accessible, doctors and patients can depend on 85 to 90 percent exactness, as indicated by concentrates in which clinical analysis was later affirmed via post-mortem examination (1984). The best method to analyze AD is currently through Memory Disorder Clinics, (MDC, for example, the ones supported by the State of Florida. The facility assessment is a group way to deal with conclusion of memory disability. Regardless of whether the determination is Alzheimers ailment, Multi Infarct dementia, Parkinsons malady, or some other structure f dementia, the Memory Disorder Clinic experts will help the patient and family with administrations and assets for their circumstance. Momentum investigate centers around various parts of dementia, including, however not constrained to anticipation, easing back movement, treatment of indications and a fix. This examination plans to improve the lives of individuals influenced by Alzheimers ailment and different dementias. Research may incorporate investigations of hereditary variables, synapses, irritation, cell passing, and the related neurofibrillary tangles and plaques in AD. Some different scientists are attempting to decide the potential jobs of cholesterol digestion, oxidative pressure (synthetic responses that can harm proteins, DNA, and lipids inside cells), estrogen, nutrient E, and microglia in the improvement of AD. Researchers additionally are exploring the job of maturing related proteins (Florida Health Care Association 2005). Way of life changes to help forestall AD, as indicated by The Alzheimers Prevention Foundation International incorporate four mainstays of building a superior memory; diet and nutrients, stress the executives, exercise and pharmaceutical medications. Diet and nutrients: the mind requires nourishment, blood stream and vitality that originates from an eating routine that is moderate in calories, high in great fats and clean proteins. Stress the executives: decreasing sadness and improving your capacity to manage upsetting circumstances. Exercise: mental and physical exercise is fundamental for cerebrum wellbeing. Compelling exercises incorporate energetic strolling, swimming, and Tai chi mental exercise, for example, visiting exhibition halls, crossword puzzles, perusing, taking instructive classes, and associating with companions arte every single fantastic approaches to keep your mind fit as a fiddle. Pharmaceutical medications: prescriptions, for example, Aricept, Exelon, Reminyl, and Namenda, taken with the management of a doctor, can assume a significant job in postponing the movement of mellow memory misfortune because of Alzheimers ailment. Common hormone substitution treatment despite everything considered by pioneers in the field of integrative medication to be helpful for some individuals (Lacy, Armstrong, Goodman 2003). that there are three phases of Alzheimers and their qualities. The beginning periods incorporate memory misfortune, bewilderment, mellow disarray, and character changes. Center tages: failure to perform talented developments, social withdrawal, less hindrances, fretfulness, rest unsettling influence, and fantasies. The late stages: little memory, trouble conveying, no acknowledgment of friends and family, overlooking how to eat, loss of bladder/inside control, and upset rest cycle. Urge families to Join bolster gatherings, give instructive gifts, instructive classes or workshops, memory issue centers, memory books, care plan gatherings, exercises, feasting, social administrations, family encouraging group of people, and hospice care (McGough 2005). By including family ashes there is less possibility of passionate, physical, social, monetary or condition pressure. Stress can prompted allegations about consideration, enthusiastic upheavals, visit visits for the duration of the day or verbal and physical antagonistic vibe. Wellbeing is a significant worry that ought to incorporate checking gadgets, night-lights, sufficiently bright lobbies, mix key locks, marking room entryways of inhabitants with pictures of occupants, lessen clamor levels, wiping out mess, and keeping sharp items far off. Anything that represents a danger to the wellbeing of the inhabitants must be evacuated or kept in a sheltered spot. It takes a tough individual to think about people analyzed or have side effects of dementia. As the side effects progress as will the conduct issues. References Bourgeois, M. furthermore, Irvine, Blair, PH. D. Systems of Dementia, ORCAS, Inc. 2000 Florida Health Care Association, 2005 University of Alabama Dementia and Training Program, The Deta Brain Series, 1997 National Institute of Neurological and Communicative Disorders and Stroke and the Disease and Related Disorders Association rules, 1984 Lacy C, Armstrong L, Goldman M, Drug Information Handbook, Lexi-Comp, Hudson, Ohio 1 th ed. 2003

Monday, August 17, 2020

Discover Exercise and Wellness FPOP

Discover Exercise and Wellness FPOP My Freshman Pre-Orientation Program (FPOP), Discover Exercise and Wellness (DEW), was amazing. DEW was nobodys first choice of FPOP, at least not for anyone who participated. That hurt for a couple of daysâ€"If I cant get into an FPOP, what can I get into an MIT?” I figured DEW was worth trying anyway: best to get comfortable on campus before the orientation stampede. And I didnt want to miss any MIT opportunities (helped that I got accepted as a blogger while packing). The 3.5 days of DEW, also the first days of college, were intense. The East Campus Head of House warned the frosh after dorm rush to not go at 90 mph from the start, but he was too late. On my first day at MIT, I talked to my roommate, from the Discover Aerospace FPOP, until 4 am. It was the latest I had stayed up in my life (with the exception of New Year’s Eve in Ukraine and maybe CPW).  The DEW FPOP gave me new friends and skills. Made me appreciate the breadth of MIT offerings for athletes and beyond. The main benefit of DEW: exposure to MIT athletics. We got several personalized tours, including through the tiny doors of the indoor golf coursesâ€"why MIT has toddler doors for mini-golf remains a mystery. The long-term benefit of DEW: 2 PE points and passing the swim test early. I don’t have half my PE points still, but at least I don’t have to worry about swimming. I would’ve failed the swim test in front of an awkward crowd. Then I’d delay it until I could no longer fit into my freshman swimsuit. The unexpected benefit of DEW: multiple adrenaline rushes, something I’ve avoided before and sinceâ€"that start-of-college-90-mph energy has reduced substantially. Note: credit for most images goes to our wonderful DEW mentor DAY 1 The first day started with team-building. Then we tried high ropes and trapezeâ€"I made it up and out! At the end of the day, the group tried to explain softball to me, an immigrant. I think I got it at the end? In between, we took a sports facilities tour, learned about nutrition, and played ultimate frisbee. We also got a lecture about preventing substance abuse, where I learned that one can earn $30 for a 1.5-hour confidential talk with a substance abuse counselor about your alcohol issues (or the absence of them). We also learned that MIT students tend to drink safely. And we got a swag multi-tool from the Office of Community Development and Substance Abuse. DAY 2 On Day 2, we started with spin class, and I was butthurt, but also determined to take a formal Spinning PE during the semester. Then we had yoga, which I could do. Also featured on Day 2: sleep and stress management lectures, swim and boat tests, pizza, and more swag (including t-shirts with inspirational quotes that all freshmen get after passing the swim test). For the swim tests, we got the giant pool to ourselves. Convenient, as it took three tries for me to pass the 100-yard (~91 m) test. I gave up midway on the first two tries, and had to swim moreâ€"not a great strategy. But the adrenaline only kicked in on the third tryâ€"or it could’ve been the embarrassment of having to take a walk while other DEW-ers were playing underwater hockey with the MIT team. According to the trainers, it looked like I would faint. At the end of the second day, we went on a boat tour of the Boston Harbor, passing just as the USS Constitution fired its cannon at sunrise. I wrote later in my blogger notes that it was “chilly but beautiful.” That evening, a fellow math major DEW-er and I decided to be “math gangsters.” I think that gang has been disbanded.     DAY 3 Day 3 started with a lecture on eating healthy at MIT. Then we tried crossfit. I really wanted to like crossfitâ€"the cool, new, and healthy thingâ€"but I didn’t. I couldn’t. The intermittent strength and cardio training was not fulfilling enough to justify the pain. After lunch, we went downtown for a Freedom Trail Tour, led by a historically-dressed guide. The man attracted puzzled looks, despite the ad with his face plastered over the trash bins. A passing Ukrainian-speaking woman told her friend about us over the phoneâ€"interesting time to hear my language. The Freedom Trail Tour was the only historical Boston activity Ive done in college. Sure, I go to Faneuil Hall, but only to shop and eat. It’s a curious phenomenon: passing tourists pay to learn, while resident students never hear about Bostons past. At the end of the Tour, we pushed through the crowded Haymarket, where I got $1 raspberries and resolved to come back every week. Day 3 ended with BBQ at the sailing pavilion and a boat ride on the Charles River with a member of the Sailing team. She was a real MIT student, so we asked a lot of questions.   DAY 4 Day 4 was start of REX (Residence Exploration) and move-in day for all pre-frosh, so we only had half a day of FPOP. Our DEW group went on a private tour of Fenway Park, home of the Red Sox and oldest ballpark in MLB. Having just sort of learned about softball, I mostly appreciated the views, and took pictures for the blogs. Even though I wasn’t an official blogger yet, I made sure to document everything and ask my companions for consent to be featured on the blogs. Back on campus, we tried body sculpting with the crossfit trainer. She told us that gaining muscle helps lose calories and I resolved to take a Body Sculpting PE right after the Spinning PE. I was a lot more ambitious back thenâ€"now I still have two PE classes to complete. We ended the FPOP discussing a future reunion. Our mentor revealed we were getting 4 PE points for the program. That’s the equivalent of two PE classes, halfway through the MIT PE requirement  (alas, I found later that DEW was worth only two points). _______________ DEW was the perfect start to MIT, and maybe the most wholesome thing I did in collegeâ€"with exercise, fresh air activities, and educational tours of Boston. Even if those four days were also a 90-mph disaster. How cool is it that MIT freshmen can start off college by trying crossfit and making lawn chairs fly? Or fighting a cross-campus Water War and building rollercoasters during REX? No surprise the Institute was ranked the #2 “Work Hard Play Hard” school last year. Post Tagged #East Campus #FPOP #PE #photography #REX #swim test

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Was Thomas Paine Made No Secret For His Hatred Of The...

Kristen Thompson Common Sense M/W 2-3:15 Thomas Paine made no secret for his hatred of the British monarchy. This was partially due to their absolutism beliefs, the oppression of his countrymen, and the system of government where the rich got richer and the poor get poorer. He believed that Britain would never have a balanced government so long as monarchy and hereditary succession stayed in place. When Thomas Paine immigrated to Philadelphia, several things had strong influences on his writing of Common Sense. The Intolerable acts as well as the Enlightenment Challenge influenced his writing concerning the view of parliament and British monarchy (maybe switch this sentence for the next one).After Parliament had passed The Intolerable Acts, Paine watched the continuation and control the British Monarchy and Parliament had in America, along with their unnatural behaviors and influence over government issues, the ideological changes that came from ‘The Enlightenment Challenge’. Paine believed change co uld and should happen; that America could find economic independence and not carry any burden of debt if they separated from Britain since their debt was actually Britain’s in the first place. Paine said that there could be no reconciliation; he understood that to become free and have liberties with an independent government there was no going back, only forward. Paine had a strong desire to see religious freedom become possible, and for people to have the right to choose and

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Using the French Expression À la rentrée

À la rentrà ©e!  [a la ra(n) tray] is a French expression used to mean, See you in September! or See you this fall! When translated literally, the phrase means, at the return. This is an common idiomatic phrase of normal register. How to Use the Phrase In August, major sectors of France slow down or close up shop completely. School is out, the government is more or less AWOL, and many restaurants and other businesses are closed as well. Therefore, many French people are on vacation for all or part of the month, which means that la rentrà ©e, in September, is more than just students and teachers going back to school; its also everyone else returning home and going back to work, returning to normalcy. À la rentrà ©e! is a valediction, similar to bonnes vacances!  (have a nice vacation), a way of saying good-bye and an acknowledgement that youll see the other person when you both re-enter the real world after your prolonged vacation.You can also use à   la rentrà ©e as a reference to that point in time, to explain when something will happen, as in Je vais acheter une nouvelle voiture à   la rentrà ©e—Im going to buy a new car in early September / when school starts back up / after I get back from vacation. A related expression,  les affaires de la rentrà ©e,  means back-to-school deals/sales.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Gender Communication Differences in Traditional Marriage Free Essays

A gender image of one’s self is first presented to a child by his/her parents. It is through the behaviors learned, the characteristics that are reinforced and the inappropriate gender traits that are punished that we, as humans, are able to grasp our larger role in society. These early concepts of gender identity, behavior and roles also influence how we communicate interpersonally. We will write a custom essay sample on Gender Communication Differences in Traditional Marriage or any similar topic only for you Order Now Two people of opposite gender joined in marriage have two very different styles of communication to the extent that this problem is sometimes insurmountable. Lack of clear communication between partners in a traditional marriage is often cited as the cause for divorce. Not so long ago, traditional gender roles, combined with an aversion for the stigma of divorce, were a huge factor in the length of a couple’s relationship. Men and women stuck it out for the long run, even when experiencing problems, and a breakdown in communication. Long before technology took over society and created more avenues for communicating with each, men were used to showing support by â€Å"doing things† for the family and women showed their affection through talking (Torrpa, 2002). Women expect their marital relationship to be based on mutual dependence and cooperation while men expect it to be based on independence and competition (Torppa, 2002). Clearly, these two different sets of expectations will have an effect on how the two partners communicate and ultimately, on the strength of the union. The current generation of young adults is waiting longer their parents to make an acceptable marriage match as opposed to the trend of earlier years when marriage the year after high school was expected. The tradition of marriage is still intact, but the demographics are changing. The fact that couples are waiting to tie the knot should also affect their ability to communicate with each other about important issues due to older partners presumably having a better idea of what they want in life and a better grasp on how to communicate it. According to Ohashi (1993) marriage is a system established on the assumption of a division of labor based on gender-role stereotypes (from Katsurada, Sugihara, 2002). Women traditionally tend to want to â€Å"make everyone happy† while men make decisions based largely on their own personal needs (Torrpa, 2002) – one aspect of marriage that is unchanged for the most part yet responsible for many breaks in communication between the partners. Differences in typical gender roles also affect communication between husband and wife. Typically, women are characterized as being the more talkative of the sexes as well as being comfort providers and more secure in showing their emotions. Women are also better at â€Å"reading between the lines† regarding interpersonal issues (Torrpa, 2002). Men, on the other hand, are known for their distinct lack of communication and inability to provide emotional support. Their ability to â€Å"read between the lines† regarding status is more pronounced than in women. With traditional roles in marriage declining and technology taking over, communication is at once both more effective and less available (Morris, 2001) – we have more ways of communicating (e.g. text messaging, Email, etc.) but we have less time to do so with multiple careers. Both male and female partners tend to see the other as being more controlling of the relationship (Torppa, 2002) and without the ability to communicate effectively, this assumption can be quite damaging to the marriage. This paper will explore the varying roles of a man and woman in a traditional marriage relationship, how these roles influence their ability to effectively communicate, and the level of satisfaction each partner feels based on their idea of whether or not they are communicating effectively with each other regarding large issues. According to Torrpa (2002): â€Å"understanding differences is the key to working them out†. References Katsurada, Emiko Sugihara, Yoko (September, 2002). Gender-role identity, attitudes toward marriage and gender-segregated school backgrounds. Sex Roles: A Journal of Research. Retrieved September 5, 2007, from the Find Articles Web site: Martinez, J.M., Chandra, A., Abma, J.C., Jones, J. Mosher, W.D. (2006). Fertility, conception and fatherhood: Data on men and women from Cycle 6 (2002) of the National Survey of Family Growth. National Center for Health Statistics. Retrieved September 5, 2007 from the CDC Web site: Morris, Grantley (2001). Improving Communication in Marriage. Retrieved September 5, 2007 from the Web site: Torppa, C. B. (2002). Gender Issues: Communication Differences in Interpersonal Relationships. The Ohio State University Extension Program. Retrieved online September 5, 2007 from the OSU Web site: Van den Troost, Ann (August, 2005). Marriage in Motion. Sociology Today, Volume 10. Leuven University Press. How to cite Gender Communication Differences in Traditional Marriage, Essay examples

Monday, May 4, 2020

Alexander the great 3 Essay Example For Students

Alexander the great 3 Essay On the surface Alexander the Great appears to be similar to many modern generals and military leaders. Tojo, Hitler, Patton, Napoleon Bonaparte ,and Norman Scharttzcopf all could be considered military Geniuses on the same level of Alexander the Great. It is however upon examining their motives that the similarities begin to disappear. Tojo and Hitler were great conquers but were racist and merciless in their pursuit of political ideas. As a result they were feared by the people they were conquered. The opposite was true of Alexander the Great. Alexander was fighting for personal glory and for unity and the vast majority of the people he conquered him were pleased with his rule and prospered under it. Patton and Shcartzcopf also were driven by different motives . Although both exhibited the use of aggressive tactics the fought they played the opposite role of Alexander and were liberators of conquered people. This leaves Napoleon. Napoleon like Alexander was generally welcomed by the people he conquered . Alexander fled from his father Philip II when he divorced Alexanders mom. Alexander then remained isolated and insecure fearing his father until he eventually took control of his fathers empire. Alexander the great came to power in 336 B.C. after his father was mysteriously assassinated. He was supported by the army who immedialty recognized him as King. He used his influence with the military to have all potential rivals killed and then worked on gaining the allegiance of Macedonian nobles. He succeeded in this and at the same time gained the allegiance of the Greeks. H liberated the Greek cities of Anotilia and then went on to defeat the Persian army being lead by Darious. Alexander then went to Egypt was excepted as Pharoh and founded Alexandria. He went on to conquer much of Mesopatamia and Susa while fighting internal revolt. He died at the age of 33 while planning a conquest into Arabia. When Alexander died he did not appoint a successor and his kingdom fell into a state of anarchy. Alexanders reign spread Hellenistic culture, paved the way for the Greek Empire, and helped prepare the way for Christianity by opening up the Greek world to Oriental influence. Napoleon and his family were forced to flee Marseilles after coming into conflict with Pasquale PAOLI, a Corsican nationalist. Napoleon for his role in the French Revolution was eventually appointed commander of the Army of the Interior . From this position began his practice of dividing and conquering and successfully defeated the Sardinian and Austrian armies in Italy. Napoleon began to meddle in political affairs and it was suggested that he conquer Britain, but instead he chose to occupy Egypt in order to threaten India, which was then under British rule. On May 19, 1798 Napoleon took 35,000 troops and sailed towards Alexandria. Stopping to seize Malta on the way Napoleon reached Egypt July 1. Napoleon fought bravely in this and many other violent conflicts and was eventually Crowned himself emperor of France in a ceremony presided over by Pope Pious VII. Napoleon tried to defeat the British economically by imposing sanctions against Britain called the Continental system. In an effort to enforce this embargo he invade Russia eventually reaching Moscow where the Russians employed a defensive technique that would serve them well again in the 1940s. The Russians set Moscow on fire forcing Napoleon to retreat from the city, he was then encircled by Russian troops and forced to retreat losing almost as many men to the severe winter weather as to Russian attack. This severely reduced Napoleons popularity and eventually he was exiled. Napoleon returned to France to rule for a short period of time only to be Exiled again. .uf7caa0fd2bcb727fa8009ea5e61ca159 , .uf7caa0fd2bcb727fa8009ea5e61ca159 .postImageUrl , .uf7caa0fd2bcb727fa8009ea5e61ca159 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uf7caa0fd2bcb727fa8009ea5e61ca159 , .uf7caa0fd2bcb727fa8009ea5e61ca159:hover , .uf7caa0fd2bcb727fa8009ea5e61ca159:visited , .uf7caa0fd2bcb727fa8009ea5e61ca159:active { border:0!important; } .uf7caa0fd2bcb727fa8009ea5e61ca159 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uf7caa0fd2bcb727fa8009ea5e61ca159 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uf7caa0fd2bcb727fa8009ea5e61ca159:active , .uf7caa0fd2bcb727fa8009ea5e61ca159:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uf7caa0fd2bcb727fa8009ea5e61ca159 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uf7caa0fd2bcb727fa8009ea5e61ca159 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uf7caa0fd2bcb727fa8009ea5e61ca159 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uf7caa0fd2bcb727fa8009ea5e61ca159 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uf7caa0fd2bcb727fa8009ea5e61ca159:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uf7caa0fd2bcb727fa8009ea5e61ca159 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uf7caa0fd2bcb727fa8009ea5e61ca159 .uf7caa0fd2bcb727fa8009ea5e61ca159-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uf7caa0fd2bcb727fa8009ea5e61ca159:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Strategic Decision Making Essay As can be seen Alexander the Great and Napoleon where both military geniuses, both slightly mad, and both driven to pursue glory and expand the sphere of influence of Hellenistic and French culture respectively. Both men although Heroes in their day would probably not be regarded son in a more modern setting because of the high price paid in blood for their conquests. .